Tuesday, July 26, 2016

6 Weirdest Fashion Trends We All Fell in Love With

woman wearing eyeglasses
As we all know, some 90s fashion trends are back and apparently here to stay. If we look back, however, there are plenty of fashion trends that, well, looked sort of odd but we fell in love with them anyways. Here are the top 6 weirdest fashion trends of all time:

1- Bandana Tops
This piece was initially designed to be worn on your head. Turns out it also works as a top! There you have it, a double-duty piece that was super cool at the time!
Bandana Tops/Credit:pinterest.com

2-Colored glassesAlthough virtually transparent, these colored glasses were being worn as ‘Sun’ glasses. Where exactly is the sun protection? We have to admit though that they did look awesome.

Colored glasses/Credit: trendsurvivor.com
3-Platform Flip-Flops
These flip-flops were a clever way to add a couple of inches to your height while at the same time stay casual. You can also wear them anywhere, anytime.
Platform Flip-Flops/Credit: ebay.com

4- Salsa Tops
We still see these tops being worn nowadays. Its combination of peasant-girl-salsa-dancer never dies.
Salsa Tops/Credit:nastygal.com

5-Statement Hats
These hats are a product of evolution from practical to pure fashion. Statement hats can help top off any outfit. They are a serious expression of one’s personal style.
Statement Hats/Credit:pinterest.com

6-Iridescent Nylon Fabric
Iridescent Nylon Fabric/Credit:tumblr.com
Wearing this fabric feels like wearing a hologram. However, this psychedelic fabric will forever look rad. Out of all of the trends this may be the only one we aren’t sure will make a comeback.

So what do you think? Would you wear any of these today?